I looked up and realized summer is just a little more than half way – wait, what!?!? This magical, sun-soaked, night-time exploring summer full of finger panting and pillow fights has felt more like the school year – frantic mornings getting out of the house, driving to and from camps, appointments galore, and the rat race we often can’t avoid during school. I remember saying in May, “I love summer because it’s a chance to slow down”. Well….I realized it had not been what I imagined – at least so far. Or maybe I wasn’t imagining anything specifically and I needed a little direction and realignment. Or, maybe, I needed to slow down and remember what my heart’s priorities are. I think all of the above.
So, thank you again Pintrest, I went searching for a Summer Bucket List. This is our first one and I must say – the kids are EXPLODING with excitement. And this one is GOOOOOOD. It has a little bit of everything – food, fun, togetherness, outdoors and indoors, service, love, and whimsy. So, I printed it, posted it on the ‘fridge, made a list of their morning and afternoon routines/chores, and told them that when they finish their afternoon responsibilities each day, they can pick ANYTHING from the list (as long as we aren’t traveling to the beach in California on the same day we have basketball camp…lol). Well, let me just say the next morning, my son had made his bed, fed the dog, packed up his bag for camp, and we were at camp dropping off 15 minutes early without ANY prodding (#neverhappens). So, I think this list will bless us, help me reinforce responsibility and whimsy, and redeem my summer dreams. If you try it out – come back here and let us know how it went!
This Summer Bucket list is courtesy of https://thelovefilledway.blogspot.com. Enjoy!